Professor Edward Morey

Links to data sets and programs available for play and pleasure

Data sets (and a few Maxlik programs):

The data and Gauss program used to estimate the parameters in the following paper:

A joint latent-class model: combining Likert-scale preference statements with choice data to harvest preference heterogneity, July 2010

Bill Breffle, Edward Morey, Jennifer Thacher


Environmental and Resource Economics, Vol. 50(1). 83-110, 2011.

For Gauss Users:

Dowload the Gauss MaxLik program LCJ_ 4.CMD. Note that the file you download has the suffix .tex, not .cmd. Your system will typically not download a file with the suffix .cmd. You will need to change it back to .cmd.

Two data sets are read in, zs.fmt (a gauss matrix) and x.dat, a text-delimited .tex file. Note that the files you download both have the suffix .tex. Change them back to .fmt and .dat respectively.

To run these, put all files in the same directory. You can use the root directory, or you can create a new folder for project files. For example, c:\gauss\lcj Open Gauss, and then use the 'change directory' (chdir) command to get to the folder with your files:

chdir c:\gauss\lcj

Then go to the "file" menu and open CJ_4.cmd. Then go to the "run" menu, and click on "run active file."

This program should run exactly as it is, as long as the two data sets are in the same folder.

If you have additional questions about the data or Gauss program, please contact my coauthor Bill Breffle at

If you use this data or program , please reference the above paper. Thanks.

The data used to estimate the models in

Gaussian Quadrature versus Simulation for the Estimation of Random Parameters: Some Evidence from Stated Preference Recreational Choice Data, William S. Breffle, Edward R. Morey, and Donald M. Waldman. August 30, 2004
in Applications of Simulation Methods in Environmental and Resource Economics, A. Alberini and R. Scarpa, eds., Kluwer Academic Publisher  
For Gauss Users:
Download the Gauss MaxLik program, r2abq10.cmd (2 random parameters, A-B choices, quadratrure with 10 eval points) to estimate the quadrature model.
Download the Gauss MaxLik program, r2abs1.cmd (2 random parameters, A-B choices, simulation with 1000 draws) to estimate the simulation model.
The files downloaded will have the suffix .tex - you will need to rename them to .cmd . Your system will typically not download a file with the suffix .cmd.
Then download the Gauss data files z.dat and x.dat .
The file bab.fmt is a file of starting values for the parameters: the parameter estimates for a simple A-B choice model with no random parameters.
For your convience we have also included the two output files: r2abq10.out and r2abs1000.out
If you use this data, please reference the above paper. Thanks.
If you have questions about the data set or programs, please contact Bill Breffle at
Valuing a change in a fishing site without collecting charactristics data on all fishing sites: a complete but minimal model
March 05 Edward Morey and B. Breffle
American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 88 (1): 150-161, 2006
For Gauss Users:
The data files are the the same as for the Gaussian Quadrature vs Simulation paper. Download z2.dat and x.dat
Download the Gaus MakLik program abgbnp.cmd. It will have the suffix .txt. Your machine will not download a file with the suffix .cmd, so you will need to rename it.
The file babgbnp.fmt is a file of starting values
The file cabgnnp.fmt are is the converged var/cov matrix.
And, abgbnp.out is an output file.

The data used to estimate the parameters in the following papers:

A simple method of incorporating income effects into Logit and Nested-Logit models: theory and application
Edward R. Morey, Vijaya R. Sharma, and Anders Karlstrom. American Journal of Agricultural Economics 85(1), 250-255, February 2003.


Estimating Malaria Patients' Household Compensating Variations for Health Care Proposals in Nepal:
Edward R.Morey, Vijaya Sharma, and Anne Mills. Social Science and Medicine 57 (2003) 155-165.

Open and Save the Excel data file morey-malaria-data.xls
If you have questions about the data or file contact my coauthor Vijaya Sharma
If you use this data, please reference the above papers. Thanks.

The data used to estimate the models in the following "Maine" papers:

Using the expected expenditure formula to calculate the exact expected compensating variation in GEV random utility models with income effects
Anders Karlstrom and Edward Morey, May 04.
for programs to calculate the expected compensating variation using the expected expenditure formula, go to
Two Nested Constant-Elasticity-of-Substitution Models of Recreational Participation and Site Choice:
An "Alternatives" Model and an "Expenditures" Model
Edward R.Morey, William Breffle, and Pamela Greene
American Journal of Agricultural Economics. Vol 83, Issue 2, pp 414-427, May 2001. Abstract
Investigating Preference Heterogeneity in a Repeated Discrete-Choice Recreation Demand Model of Atlantic Salmon Fishing
William Breffle and Edward R.Morey
Marine Resource Economics, Volume 15, pp. 1-20. Abstract


Morey. E.R., R. Rowe and M. Watson, "A Repeated Nested-Logit Model of Atlantic Salmon Fishing with Comparisons to Six Other Travel-Cost Models," American Journal of Agricultural Economics, Vol. 75 (3), August 1993, pp. 578-592.


Open and Save the ASCII free format data morey-maine-data.txt and codebook text file morey-maine-code.txt
If you have questions about the data or file contact my coauthor Bill Breffle at
If you use this data, please reference the above papers. Thanks.

The data used to estimate the models in the following paper

Estimating the Benefits and Costs to Mountain Bikers of Changes in Trail Characteristics, Access Fees, and Site Closures: Choice Experiments and Benefits Transfer:
Edward R.Morey, Terry Buchanan, and Donald M. Waldman
Journal of Environmental Management 64(4), 411-422, 2002 Abstract


Open and Save the codebook morey-mtbike-codebook.txt
and either the Excel data file morey-mtbike-data.xls or
the ASCII free format data morey-mtbike-data.txt
If you use this data, please reference the above paper. Thanks.

The data used to estimate the models in the following papers

Using Stated-Preference Questions to Investigate Variations in Willingness to Pay for Preserving Marble Monuments: Classic Heterogeneity, Random Parameters, and Mixture Models Edward R. Morey, and Kathleen Greer Rossman. Journal of Cultural Economics, Vol. 27 (3/4), 2-5-229, November 2003.
Modeling and estimating WTP for reducing acid deposition injuries to cultural resources: using choice experiments in a group setting to estimate passive-use values: Edward R.Morey, Kathleen Rossmann, Lauraine Chestnut and Shannon Ragland.
Chapter 7 in "Valuing Cultural Heritage," Stale Narvud and Richard Ready, Eds.), Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd. 2002.


Data in Excel shreadsheet:
Download the data set in Excel MixModelData.xls Explanations are included in the file.
For Gauss Users:
Download the Gauss MaxLik program, Mixmodel.cmd, and data to estimate the mixture model in the 2003 paper.
Start with mixreadme.pdf
Then download Mixmodel.txt after downloading this file change its name to "Mixmodel.cmd". It is the Gauss command file. Your machine will not like downloading something with the suffix .cmd
and download the Gauss data files XMAT.fmt , YVEC.fmt and Times.fmt The files you download will have the prefix .txt. Change it to .fmt after the download.
If you use this data, please reference the above papers. Thanks.
If you have questions about the data set, please contact Kathleen Rossmann at

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