Choice Alternative

  1. Would you prefer to work in Department A or Department B?

    Note that each survey contained 5 total choice questions (for simplicity reasons those pages have been excluded). Further note that the comments question only appears on the first choice question page and the status quo follow-up question (22 below) only appears in half of the surveys.

      Department A Department B
    Department's overall rank 11 - 15 31 - 40
    Department's rank in individual's field 51% - 75% 51% - 75%
    Your Teaching Load 2 courses per year 2 courses per year
    Seminar Series 3 seminars per week,
    none of which are in your field
    3 seminars per week,
    none of which are in your field
    Your Academic Salary \$$SalaryA \$$SalaryB
    Average Salary for individual's academic rank in the department \$$avgSalaryA \$$avgSalaryB

    Work In Department A

    Work In Department B

  2. Please comment on how you made your choice to Question 20.

  3. Would you prefer the position and department you chose in Question 20 or your current position? Click the most appropriate button.
    I prefer my current position
    I prefer the position I chose in Question 20

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Publication Record - Part I    Publication Record - Part II    Department Rank    Salary    Choice Alternative Introduction   
Choice Alternative Follow-up    About You and Your Household    Comments    For Your Own Interest   

Last Update: 04-25-04, visitors since March 1, 2004