Professor Edward Morey

Econ 4060: Ethics, happiness and choice: your research project/paper

The major component of the course will be a research project/paper based on a topic, issue or line of thought from the book (or related). You will explore and critique the research in greater detail than it was explored and critiqed in the book.

This project could be the start of an honors thesis, something to note in a graduate application, and a way to see if you like research.

The project will be a three-step process: (1) Develop and submit a proposal, including a description of the topic and its relevance for the course, an initial reading list, and an outline, (2) Write your research paper and present your findings in class, (3) Revise and resubmit your research paper based on comments from me, your in-class student advisor/mentor, and the class. Each step will be graded separately. For example, (2) will be graded as if it were your final submission.

Completing your research project/essay

What your research and paper should, and should not, achieve

Sources, citations, your topic an,d your background

The outline of your research paper

Some of my communcations with students about proposed topic ideas

The process: you need time to research, time to write, time to sit back, time to get critical feedback, time to revise ...


The essay assignments:

First reseach assignment: the proposal

(due by Feb 11th, you will need to meet with my about your topic well before Feb 11th. I will review your proposals in the order they arrive )

Your completed research paper is due by March 18th

Your revised final version is due May 1st

Presenting your findings in class (formal presentaitons will not start before late Feb: when you present will depend your progress an my preferences. In class I will often ask you about how it is going and what you are finding.

Your mentoring assignment: starting soon and ending after your mentee as turned in her paper, and you have given me a written assessment of their research

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Last Update: 01-15-2018